“IT IS TIME TO QUIT PLAYING CHURCH!” “This book has not been written with an eye on the cash register. I get no financial return from it. Neither has it been written for fun or to add yet another book to my list of writings. It has been written with grief and bathed in prayer….
Magnify The Lord With Me
In my daily quiet times, I try to follow the Psalmist admonition to, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and come into His courts with praise.” One old song reminds us to “Count your blessings, name them one by one…” Invariably after recalling God blessings, goodness, faithfulness, provision and protection, I often find myself with a…
OVERCOMING The Enemies Plan To Destroy Your Life
Every believer eventually has to face the fact that they have an adversary: the devil. Your adversary has one goal in mind and that’s to destroy you. How you respond to him will determine whether you live a life of victory or of defeat. This book will show you the steps you must take if…